Saturday, March 3, 2012

Shit Gets Real Now

You know as much as we all complain about having to drag our buts out of bed to go to school about how your not going to use 40-60% of what you learn within the walls. Well your right about the percentages but complaining, I did it too and I wish I hadn't. On the other side is a world filled with...well... life. You go to work, you pay your bill. That's right working isn't about making money! It's about earning money to pay for things that you didn't have the money to pay for in the first place.

You could argue the same for school though. School seems to be about getting up, dragging you ass out of bed to go and learn a bunch of stuff that 3 weeks from now won't make a lick of difference anywhere in life. You probably won't even remember it, at least I didn't. The was only a few classes that I ever benefited from, Cooking, Math Essentials, Law, and Creative Writing. Now, don't do what I did and gain only from these classes, because funny enough the only stuff worth anything won't get you anywhere, at least not if you want to go to post secondary. I'm also not saying that these are the only courses I learned from or enjoyed, these where just the classes that offered any form of life skills.

Cooking and Law seem self explanatory, Creative Writing (for me) was a form of therapy, cause whether your a psycho murder tied in a straight jacket and on three or more pills a day or the next average job looking to not starve by the next paycheck we all want the same thing, someone to hear us.

Math Essentials is also known as the stupid persons math, I disagree (Say what you will on that). I learned more from that math than any other math course I ever took. For once it wasn't learning how to do math but it was where math could be applied in every day life. You where for once to trying to find the area of a sphere but instead learning how quickly a little careless spending could develop into a debt crisis when using a credit card. Now I'm not say you would have never figured this out on your own. I mean all you have to do is google credit cards from your bank and you get a list with interest rates and everything if you click that apply now button. But would you have looked if not for being instructed by a teacher or parent. Like most people,, and rate the highest on my most visited websites. When you click on that blue "e" or that fox flying around the globe what are you hoping to achieve within the next hour or two. If your my age or close to it can probably be summed up in a single word, release.

My Other Blogs:

The Weekly Pause - This week: The Teachers' Strike

Kura! Review This!